Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Wedding - Akad Nikah 3

Another angle... I love that lamp! :)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Wedding - Akad Nikah 2

Following yesterday's post, here's a wider view of where the wedding took place.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Steak Anyone? :)

by now you probably wonder, is there anything else but fruits sold in the traditional market? :) well, of course there is. there are tons of other stuff. besides fruits and vegetables, people would go to the traditional markets to get fresh meat. unlike in the supermarket, here, the meat is not sold in packages. but as you can see at the picture above, the meat is hung and sliced as you request it. you can get anything you want off the beef. skin, heart, brains, lungs, liver, tails, and of course, the meat. and yes, they do sell them all.. and there are always someone who's looking for these parts. in fact, ox tail soup is one of the most favorite dish here. beef brain curry is also a delicacy as well as fried lungs. sounds weird? well, it doesn't taste as bad as it sounds. makes you rethink of those crazy food they show on fear factor, doesn't it? i guess, there are more to it than just a piece of steak out of the beef, don't you think? ;)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tropical Fruits

following yesterday's post, i'm showing the pictures i took on my visit to traditional markets. since i wouldn't want to post a picture of every tropical fruits i found, might as well share it all in one shot. i'm sure you've all seen the tropical fruits pictured above. these are the typical fruits you would find in the traditional markets in jakarta, cuz they are the fruits that grow abundantly in this part of the world. however, many of you may not seen it live, or even taste it. all of them taste sweet and refreshing, perfect for the tropical hot & humid weather we have in this part of the world. we may eat them fresh, juiced, eat them with peanut sauce, make them a salad, whatever it is, they all taste wonderful. just in case you don't recognize them, the above pictures -- starting from the top left, clockwise -- are papayas (in bahasa = "pepaya" / puh-pah-ya), guavas (in bahasa = "jambu klutuk" / jahm-boo cloo-took), rose apples (in bahasa = "jambu air" / jahm-boo ah-eer), and starfruits (in bahasa = "belimbing" / buh-limb-bing)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Snakeskin Fruit

yesterday's post delivered a great opening on the traditional market series that i will do for the next few days. so be prepare on stuff you will find inside jakarta's traditional markets. have you seen or heard this fruit pictured above? well, if you've lived in asia, you most probably have seen, heard, or might even tasted it. we call this fruit "salak", or also known as the snakeskin fruit. it can be found almost all over indonesia. and during its seasons, you will find it easily in any markets in jakarta. the skin is actually pretty thin, but it can be pretty sharp sometimes. there are numerous of times i've cut myself when peeling it. :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ambassador Mall

Here's another mall in the Kuningan area. Ambassador Mall. Not sure why they picked that name. I think the ad on that building looks pretty cool. Don't you think? Out of topic from today's post: Are you into politic discussions? There are many protests going on in Jakarta right now due to George Bush's visit. Here's a not-so-serious-politic-discussion presented by Indonesia Anonymous. Quite a few interesting references as well. Also, Eric from Paris Daily Photo asked about the bombing in Jakarta and yesterday I couldn't find any online news about it. But I have it today. The incident happened quite far from where I live.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yellow Cab

Aha! I found a yellow cab in Jakarta :) Taxi CAB? ok, it's a taxi taxi :) LOL! Hope you all have a good weekend!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Mascot

if disneyland uses a mouse animation for a mascot, Dufan uses a monkey figure as one. though we do not know exactly what the mascot is called (i can't seem to find the info anywhere, any input from would be much appreciated!), it is based on a character figure of a proboscis monkey, pictured above. it's a popular mascot and anyone in indonesia, particularly in jakarta, would recognize the mascot right away. and most kids wouldn't miss an opportunity of a shot with the mascot when they come for a visit. :)

Saturday, November 04, 2006


hey guys, i'm back. santy and i are trying to arrange a schedule so we both can post regularly. though she will still be the main contributor, i wouldn't mind sharing my pictures more often than usual, i hope you don't mind too. unfortunately, you might get confuse on whose picture that's currently featured ... so sorry about that. now if you don't mind, i'd like to continue the series on my last posting on amusement park, here's another ride we have in Dufan. this is just another roller coaster ride, like any other in any amusement parks. we call it "Halilintar" which means "thunder" in bahasa. although this is one of the old rides, this is my favorite. it operated since 1987. it has 6 cars and can carry a maximum of 24 riders. until now it still works pretty well and still my favorite, even though they have new rides in the park.

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