And, here's one of the comedian's wig, all clean and bright waiting to get dry. I'm not sure if they're wearing wigs all the time like clowns or just on special performances. I shot the pink and red wigs as well, but my daughter loves this one and so there you go :)
This shot taken on Medan Merdeka street looks as if there were only those two high rise buildings in downtown Jakarta. Well, actually you'd see more of them if you go further down the road. I like this part though, cause you get to see more of the sky :)
This was taken from my mom's antique wooden table. I think it's a beautiful piece. So much respect shown by those ladies with hair tied up in buns, bowing to each other. Although it might as well be a scene where a helper met the land lady. My late grandmother used to say that a helper was forbidden to stand or sit on the same level as the lady of the house, and they must not say a word unless a question being asked to them. In the old days, they have to sit on the floor and never look at their land lady in the eyes.
I have a helper and enjoy daily conversations with her and treat her as part of my family, although my mom still believe that her only job is to mend the house, period. Hey, she's human too. And freedom of speech is entitled for her as well, right?
Anyway, what do you think the story is?
Pasar pagi = morning market.
Basically a flea market which shows up only in the morning, usually during weekends. They sell various things from traditional food, clothes, shoes, toys, kitchenware, all sorts of stuff. And children can have a ride in one of those carts pushed by a horse which we call delman. When me and my daughter go there on Sundays, she will definitely ask for a delman ride and a bottle of bubbles. It's our favorite place :)
There are still some who walk and push their vegetable carts around the neighborhood. This guy is making his life easier and he's lucky to have a motorbike.
Oh, look at those yummy snacks on the menu! But the cappuccino's good enough for me, thank you very much :) Oh, just they serve coffee with large paper cups in....say Paris? Cause I know some places use small cups like shown on that napkin. I didn't ask for a takeaway and yet they still gave it to me in a paper cup. Perhaps it's easier for them cause they don't have to worry about washing cups. Anyway, I don't mind too much really. How about you? Do you prefer your coffee in paper cups or porcelain?
Ring Ring...Stop. Take the call. Good choice!
I can still see some who're busy trying to take out their cellphone while riding their bike. Big no no, people!
We went to Pelni Hospital in Petamburan area of West Jakarta, showing condolonces to our friend who just lost her father. I came across these chairs and thought the wall behind them look pretty cool.
These lamps were on the ceiling above me when I was around the comfy sofa. I said to myself 'oh, how pretty, I better take a picture of it' :) So, what do you think?